The New Normal?

Submitted by Marina Hodson

Month four and while the seasons move on, life feels a bit like it’s at a standstill. That being said, tomorrow the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Health Unit, along with many others, will be moving into Phase II of the reopening. So whilst we are all looking forward to a haircut, what does this really mean?

First and foremost, it is a testament to our perseverance: by adhering to the outlined restrictions, the listed regions have sufficiently flattened the curve to be able to move to the next phase. Of course we are not out of the woods yet. Unfortunately, there is little question that with the re-opening of many businesses and services will come an increased rate of exposure and a likely second wave. So the coming weeks will require a balancing act of adjusting to participation in our pre-COVID activities while continuing to take sufficient precautions to limit spread of infection.

I am certain that you, like me, want to return to going to the store for a “normal” shopping experience, we want to go out and support our local businesses, including restaurants and hair dressers and we long to visit with friends and family. But now more than ever, we must continue to maintain vigilant hand hygiene, practice social distancing and wear face coverings where required to ensure we are able to continue our current trajectory of re-opening. 

We may have started to become accustomed to the new realities over the past few months, but these upcoming changes will see us again exploring uncharted territories. As always, if we work together, are patient and kind with each other we will manage to get through these challenges and continue to move forward. So stay informed and follow the Provincial and local updates found at our website at and most importantly, support each other through this difficult time.

Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT


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